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Laboratory work for GET-IN doctoral network

Project DC1

Viral vector production: tackling bottlenecks in efficiency and reproducibility


Host institution of GET-IN the KU Leuven

Host institution: KU Leuven, Belgium


Supervisory team: Prof. Rik Gijsbers (PhD promoter, KU Leuven), Dr. Jan Schrooten (Antleron), Prof. Els Verhoeyen (INSERM)


This project focusses on the bioprocessing of viral vectors.  The position is hosted by the KU Leuven and Antleron NV. Specific objectives are: (1) to understand and improve the efficiency of viral vector production per cell by assessing innate immunity factors during plasmid transfection and viral vector production in 2D tissue culture plates, and (2) to advance the production environment by improving bioreactor cell yield and transfection efficiency through the design of innovative hardware set-ups and computational process modelling (2D to 4D translation). The objectives will be addressed for two main gene therapy vector platforms. The project involves wet lab experimental work, ranging from viral vector production, cell transfection and transduction, molecular biology, as well as in silico bio-process modelling and bio-informatics.


A successful project will result in: (1) next generation HEK293 producer lines for viral vectors based on adapted innate immune pathways ; (2) improved and closed manufacturing system for cost-effective and scalable viral vector production.


Enrolment in Doctoral School: KU Leuven

Planned secondments:

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (Month 14-15): Modelling of the manufacturing processes

    Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany (Months 26-27): Introduction to Organ on Chip models and testing of viral vectors in these systems

  • Miltenyi Biotech GmBH, Germany (Month 38): Introduction to working in GMP environments

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe under Grant Agreement No. 101119880

ON5b, Herestraat 49, Box 1023

3000 Leuven, Belgium

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