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Two female researchers demonstrating laboratory and computer work for GET-IN doctoral network

Lenie van den Broek


Lenie van den Broek

Lenie van den Broek, PhD is Director Biology Discovery at MIMETAS. The department develops organotypic models on the microfluidic platform. She received her PhD in skin tissue engineering at the VU University Amsterdam. As a postdoctoral research, she worked at VU University Medical Center (VUMC) Amsterdam and company A-SKIN Nederland BV a spin-off company of VUMC. Currently she is a project leader at Mimetas for research focused on 3D tissue modelling of inflammatory diseases (eg. IBD, immune cell migration and lung diseases). She acts as the main supervisor of DC10.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe under Grant Agreement No. 101119880

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