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Two female researchers demonstrating laboratory and computer work for GET-IN doctoral network

Antonio Casini


Antonio Casini

Antonio Casini, PhD is co-founder and CTO of Alia Therapeutics. His research focuses on the development of novel CRISPR tools for their application in gene therapy. He is author of publications on CRISPR-based genome editing in high impact journals, among which Nature Biotechnology and Nature Communications. He is also the inventor of various patents related to genome editing technologies. Antonio is among the founders of Alia Therapeutics, which was launched as a spinoff of the University of Trento to exploit CRISPR technologies he helped to co-develop and bring them to the clinic. He acts as the main supervisor of DC9.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe under Grant Agreement No. 101119880

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